Where: Penn Pavilion
The Feminist Theory Workshop (FTW), which is in its twelfth year, offers a unique opportunity for internationally recognized faculty and young scholars to engage in sustained dialogue about feminist theory as a scholarly domain of inquiry. The “workshop” approach of this conference requires active participation of both presenters and attendees. Small seminars allow for focused participant exchange, roundtables synthesize central debates of the weekend, and provocative keynote lectures all bring those who attend the workshop into collaborative conversations. The FTW has quickly become the premier forum for annual discussions of Feminist Theory in the US. We have had to close our registration at 250 in the past few years because of space and financial considerations.
One of the goals of the FTW is to promote a more diverse dialogue among scholars of feminist theory and to foster a vibrant international community of scholarship. To that end, we bring together internationally recognized keynote speakers and emerging young scholars to engage in lively and focused debate. Institutional co-sponsors are asked to commit funds to cover the cost of attendance for a specific number of their own students and faculty (generally travel and lodging). The workshop itself is free and there is no other obligation. onal issues.
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