Wait On It

On the matter of love and romance,
I am ... for lack of a better word,

I ask myself,

Are you bitter?
A cacophony of ingenious replies echo in my mind
Surely, the constant reminders of your companionless existence should be enough to compel you
Then settle

Am I settling?

Occasional trysts fancy my attention for a spell
What do I deserve?
Momentarily my private audience of one is mute
Standards can cause loneliness, but they are necessary nonetheless

For like Jamila declares,
I deserve love in a phone call
to just see how I’m doing
Love that does not want me to change my appearance
for a family barbecue
I hope I look in the mirror
and see love on my skin
I deserve love I don’t have to question
at three in the morning

I have decided to wait.
I will wait
Then pray
for patience
and discernment

Nya Anthony