Little Bird
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Never had I left your nest.
That highly perched chateau in the sturdy tree,
The comfortable surroundings guiding me until they no longer served me.
The warmth found there was no longer an advantage, but only a hindrance.
Real but incomprehensible love created discomfort for my idle wings as
They had no room to decompress.
No room to restore their protrusions and create art
While molding and shaping into my God-given structure.
And I cry, loudly
Hoping that the sounds of my desperate chirps are heard beneath your suffocating air.
But listening wasn’t common in the nest
Inattentiveness was our hindrance.
My wings are not as intimidating as they may seem and
Your strangling affection will travel with me wherever I go.
But now, it is essential for me to leave this place of residence
To get up, and push away the many rocks and branches ordering my first flight.
I ask for strength to survive this mission as these wings won’t work
Without your specific care.
Under, beneath, and above these feathers lie the kisses of protection that
Remind me of this sweet nest that gave me life
And clothed me with impeccable skill.
This little bird is no longer able to withstand the sturdy tree and its dampening shade
I have to learn my own way.