Falsified hopes,
Classified opportunities,
Broad stripes and bright stars,
Lands of conditional freedom,
Representing a country behind bars.
A home for the enslaved.
We pledge allegiance to this system
Of the divided states of America.
The land of the free. *
Perfected discrimination and conscious deviation
Created this nation.
This nightmare has taken our past
and refuses to give us a future, yet
We dream at night knowing
Morning will bring our aspirations to an end.
For you, tomorrow means a light
At the end of this tunnel we call night.
For us, the blackness characterizes a place of comfort,
A safe haven that never welcomed you.
I can understand why you fear the dark.
You see, this darkness is a place you will never know.
I guess that is why you’re so damn ignorant.
Your closed mouth suits your closed mind,
So it’s probably best that you stay silent, Sam.
*Terms and conditions will apply.