Disclaimer: This poem was written in memory of my late grandmother (and) great grandmother, the matriarchs of my family. These two women were and are continuous sources inspiration and motivation in my life and soul. Losing them created a void that can never be adequately filled. I have never shared this poem with anyone before.
Fried chicken, Macaroni,
collard greens and sweet potato pie.
Every week,
You were always there,
My backbone and something similar
To that for everyone who
Was blessed enough to know you.
I remember that day,
You smiled at me and asked
Me about school and life,
told me your stories,
But your eyes held another question.
That day you forgot my name.
Now, you’re not here and
Neither am I.
Neither are they.
I guess that’s why
Sunday dinners only come on Easter.
I guess that’s why
family gatherings are filled with potlucks
And guessing your “secret ingredients”
And betting to see which cousin
will show up this time.
I guess that’s why we’re broken.
You’re not here and neither are we.