Summer Thoughts

Summer ‘16: the summer of saying “yes” to almost anything and everything, regardless of how impossible it might sound. “Yes” to new experiences. “Yes” to standing up for myself. “Yes” to a new wardrobe. “Yes” to thrifting. “Yes” to new books to read. “Yes” to natural hair. “Yes” to bantu knots. “Yes” to flat twists. “Yes” to taking the path less traveled. “Yes” to rejuvenation. “Yes” to self care.

In all these areas of my life where I have finally decided to be bold enough to say “yes,” I’ve begun healing. Healing from the thoughts that I’m not good enough for the great school I attend, that I’ll never find my place at Duke, that Duke simply isn’t where I’m meant to be. Healing of my individual feelings that have been holding me captive has begun. If any of you are similar to me, you’ve probably felt at some point that you couldn’t participate in something simply because you were afraid of saying “yes.” Saying “no” is so much easier because it allows us to stay complacent and comfortable with what we know.

To the beautiful women I write, you are radiant. You are unlike anyone else. You are light. I encourage you to use the rest of this summer to showcase your shine. Listen to what makes you feel great, talk to those who make you feel loved, and try what makes you feel alive. Be authentic with your aspirations for this summer and pursue them. I challenge you during this short time we have to enjoy saying “yes” to those things you’ve always wanted to try.
I’ll be on this journey with you.

The difference in living and feeling alive is using your fear as fuel to fly
-India Arie

by Idalis French


photo by Eliza Moreno