
(A Wendigo is a monster/evil spirit that originates from the First Nation Algonquin tribe's folklore. They are believed to possess human beings and drive them to cannibalism, and in some accounts they have the ability to mimic human voices, which they use to lure their prey.)

Daughter come drink this water

Sister lend me your ear

Brother ride fast to meet me

Father come close; come near

Follow my voice into the dark

Leave behind the setting sun

My cries will guide you onward

You’ll reach me if you run

Forgive me for my wretched form

I’m not one you hold dear

The stolen voices of those you love

I used to lure you here 

My appetite was calling 

And it’s quite the siren’s song 

Find no fault in your own weakness

For all succumb, even the strong 

I thank you for your gift this night 

A feast I’ll savor long and slow

I only ask that when you scream

Speak not of the bodies below

Senam Adedze