
My favorite season is fall.

Beings are enraptured with my colors,

Spreading their bodies across elements of my foundation.

When you first touched my branches, I thought my leaves would never fall. 

The wind convinced me that our bond was limitless, 

I believed them. 

You were unexpected, like a pouring shower after weeks of drought. 

I wanted the rain to last forever-

But soon the clocks turned, and the miles set our roots ablaze. 

My branches missed your company.

My colors faded, and darkness covered completely.

Ghosts of our past surrounded me with axes and chainsaws,  

Nothing seemed to save the foundation 

And when I lost my connection to the ground, my trunk snapped in half. 

Standing tall again seemed impossible 

But cycles are inevitable 

Roots reconnect 

And soon memories are laid to rest-

The beauty that renewal always returns.

Ruth Fetaw