
These two poems signify the intimately complicated relationship between the tree and its leaves. Personifying them as lovers, “Roots” looks at the true essence of nature -- beauty, death, loss, and rebirth.

Dearest Tree, 

My connection to you felt infinite, 

like I was destined to adorn your branches

and feel most held on your highest sleeve. 

Loving you was effortless 

like the way the sky chased the sun in the morning 

your presence was grounding 

Yet, you were always destined to reach the sky. 

and with roots so deep,

how was my fall to your feet so shallow? 

See, I longed for you, 

and when I lost myself in the breeze 

it didn’t take long for the wind to rip me apart. 

But I would destroy myself

to have even the slightest chance

to seep into the ground

feel your touch

nurture you

become a piece of you


Dear Leaf, 

I love you.

Holding you in my arms 

and keeping you close

as we danced in the autumn breeze 


If given the choice, 

I would feel your warmth, overflowed 

time and time again-

but alas, 

I stood to save us both. 

To exist as one,

I let you go. 

Allowing you to nourish me from my roots 

rather than my cold tips. 

Your destruction will always be

my most bittersweet gift.

by Aneesha Tucker & Ruth Fetaw

Aneesha Tucker + Ruth Fetaw