My Mothers Womb

My Mother’s Womb

Grown, nourished, developed

Protected and loved

For 9 months in the womb

I am born

Given a name 

But also passed the strength of the women before me

Accepted into the club of WOMAN

Although I am now my own WOMAN

I find myself in my mother’s womb

Still I find solace and peace within her

Her arms are my safe place

Her eyes are how I know that I will be more than okay

She is the glue that holds life itself together

Look up the term “multi-tasker” and you will find her face

I am still in awe of all of the strength she carries

With her two arms, two legs, and strong heart

She carries 

My father

My brother

My sister

And me

She carries

My burdens

Her burdens

And the burdens of the world

Man says her place is in the kitchen

Man says she is too emotional 

Man says she is weak

But man too finds peace in the womb

Man leans on women

Man looks to her for love and reassurance

Man is nothing without her

It is time to respect the womb

Respect its power

Respect the peace it provides

It is time to give it the credit it deserves

Oh and does it deserve the world and more

Women are worthy

Women are more than worthy

Imani Williams