Loved Out Loud

Since Valentine’s Day just passed, I couldn’t miss an opportunity to write about one of my favorite television couples: Maxine Shaw and Kyle Barker. 

From the pilot of the 1993 sitcom Living Single, I knew these two would end up together. Their chemistry is undeniable, which is obvious whether they’re in a relationship or not. But that’s not what I love most about this couple. Out of all the shows I’ve watched, Max and Kyle are the only couple where both people are dark skinned. This is important to me for multiple reasons. So many times in the media we only see couples with a dark skinned man and light skinned woman. What does seeing this image constantly be displayed throughout the media subconsciously tell its viewers? That dark skin is seen as masculine  while light skin is viewed as feminine? While I know that’s not true, growing up and only seeing those images can be harmful for young, dark skinned Black women. We’re deserving of love, even if the media doesn’t always think we are. Also, Max is unapologetically loud, dramatic, and fierce: all characteristics the world tells us dark skinned Black women aren’t allowed to be. She never toned herself down for anyone and she never had to change who she was to be loved or appreciated. She was loved out loud by Kyle, and that’s why they made such a beautiful couple. While I wish I saw more couples like this on television today, Maxine and Kyle will always hold a special place in my heart. 

ProseKamryn Hailey