Frida Kahlo by Meki Shewangizaw

July 6, 1907 - July 13, 1954

A revolutionary artist who grew up during the Mexican Revolution. Kahlo’s rebellious character is seen in her unapologetic paintings and care-free attitude. Unafraid to talk about taboo topics like sex, identity and politics, Kahlo is looked as one of the most unconventional feminists.  She used painting as a way to express herself, especially during some of the most difficult times of her life. Kahlo contracted polio as a child, was in a terrible accident that prevented her from having children and had a difficult marriage with fellow artist, Diego Rivera. Kahlo made no excuses or explanations for who she was -refusing to conform to the standards of beauty as seen through her clothing and unibrow She is recognized as one of the most famous women artists with her progressive paintings and constant support of gender equality.

Memory (The Heart), 1937
Courtesy of

Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair, 1940.
Courtesy of


This film shows the life of Kahlo from her birth to her death and everything in between. From her childhood to the horrible bus accident that left her injured and on bed rest for weeks to her journey and development as a painter. The film also focuses on her relationship with important political figures, and her chaotic marriage with Rivera. The film’s beautiful imagery matches Kahlo’s vibrant paintings and is a perfect beginner’s choice for anyone interested in learning about Kahlo.

Fun Fact: Frida Kahlo’s niece gave Salma Hayek, who played Kahlo, one of Kahlo’s necklace to show her appreciation.
